"To desire revival and at the same time to neglect personal prayer and devotion is to wish one way and walk another." |
— A.W. TOZER —
WORSHIP NIGHTSOne of our favorite times each week is when we gather together for living room worship. Often the sweet presence of the Lord fills the house as our voices crescendo together in high praises. |
God is Love
The Father Heart of God
Hearing God’s Voice
The Biblical Story
Transformed Hearts
Right Relationships
Contending Prayer
Revival Lifestyle
Walking by Faith
Unreached People Groups
PERSONAL TRANSFORMATIONEkballo by design, lives in community, giving great opportunity for the lessons learned in the classroom to be lived out in daily life. Discover your identity in Christ and develop a deeper intimacy with the Lord and other believers. Cultivate the unshakable confidence in the character of God and step into trust, grounded obedience as you hear the voice of the Lord. HOMEWORKEkballo focuses on growing in personal relationship with the Lord and even though no grades are given, homework still must be completed by the due dates in order to continue on with the program and graduate. This would include all assignments, discussions, assessments, reading, papers, etc… HONOR SYSTEMWe believe that saying “yes” to schooling means completing all assignments the best that the student can. We honor the student’s “yes” and allow them to grow in integrity of owning their “yes”. There isn’t any classification of grades but rather is based on completing the assignment properly and on-time. READINGReading is a large part of our curriculum as we read through the Bible in addition to a few books each month. Every student should be prepared to read daily for about 30-60 minutes. WEEKLY SERVICE HOURSWe're a family, and everyone needs to pitch in. Service hours give the students opportunity to live out the message and it also helps to maintain a good work ethic in a highly focused ministry environment. Some of the different service hours could be picking coffee, cooking, dishes, cleaning, administration, construction, etc... |